At Greenturtle we want to provide our customers with the best possible online shopping experience! If you aren't satisfied with the item you've received, we can exchange it, or issue a full refund.
If you have received your purchase and require a different size or style, we can exchange the item at no additional cost. Simply contact our customer service team with details of what you would like in exchange, and we will have the new item sent out to you. (We cannot cover return shipping costs, but will pay for the shipping of the exchange item)
If you received your purchase and it isn't what you expected, no problem. Simply contact our customer service team and make use of our free return policy.
Our customer service team can be reached by phone on 1-717-412-1942 or by email [email protected]
Christmas Holiday Returns: During the Holiday season (Nov. 1st - Dec 25th), we will accept return opened that are received by January 12th or within the 30 Day Return Period.
At Greenturtle we make every effort to fulfill all orders placed at our store. However, should it occur that we are unable to process your order and must cancel, we will contact you by email or phone ,and offer you an alternative item or full refund. The reasons include stock limitations, technical bugs or inaccuracies in product listings, pricing, or problems identified by our credit and fraud avoidance department.
Please contact our Customer Service by email [email protected] in case you wish to cancel an order that has been placed. Once an order has been prepared for collection cancellation is no longer possible, and returning the items are at the customers expense.